Sunday 23 October 2016



We all proclaim we love God, but how will you know you truly love God?

If you truly love God, the house of God will not be too far from you. You will spend time with God, win souls to His Kingdom and love your brethren (1 John 4:21).

Your love for God would be tested with insults, mockery, challenges and obstacles. Love that is not tested with all these is FAKE. Your reaction to all these from people is carnality. If you can"t  overlook it, discuss it.

Do not rejoice at any man"s fall, love does not keep record of evil. Stop giving attention to people"s imperfection. Only God can be God, people will always be people.

When you become too busy for God, you will not have time for idleness. Yoiur next level is package in your hunger for God. (Psalm 63:1-2, Ezekiel 33:11,18)

You need hunger for God to remain relevant. To make a genuine mark on earth, your level of hunger  for God will determine.

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